Is Kangen Water a Miracle Water or Just Another Hype?

Yes, you probably heard about Kangen Water, that’s why you are here, researching about this water and probably you are thinking is this another fad or a hype or is it the real thing as they say it is?

Probably, you don’t know me yet, I am Dr. Pinky De Leon-Intal, yes, I am a medical doctor.  Let me tell you my story and how this Kangen Water fits in my story.

September 2020, pandemic, when everyone was working at home, trying their best to not get infected by COVID virus, this Kangen water was introduced to me by a friend via Zoom.

When they presented this, the first thing I realized was, why I haven’t heard of this technology for the last 15 years of my life in the medical field?

If this is really good as they tell me, for me, this should be broadcasted to the world especially in the medical field. It can help many patients and many doctors in our management of people’s health problems.

So, a skeptical as I was, I tried researching the water, I also tried the water myself.


I don’t really have so much problems with my health except for these two health problems:

  1. My Hyper-acidity attacks which happen when I eat acidic/spicy foods, when I don’t eat properly on time and when I am super stressed.
  1. Another problem that I always had was this mouth sores/canker sores that I can say is permanently residing in my mouth, when one heals, another will sprout somewhere. I get used to it, actually.


I literally tried everything, but nothing works.

For hyper-acidity, I stopped eating spicy foods, chilis, vinegar dips, unripe mangoes and I always eat on time.  Doing that, I was a little sad because those foods were my favorites, but I have to stay away from them because if not, my hyper-acidity will strike again.

For my mouth sores, I tried all over the counter drugs or treatment I can possibly take, but nothing worked.  The medication and treatments I tried were expensive, but did nothing to my sores.  I figured out that I need to take in Vitamin C and other supplements to help too.  Still, my mouth sores kept on coming back.  I just accepted that, they were just there permanently residing in my mouth and I can’t do anything about it.


Then, when Kangen water came into our lives, let me tell what happened.

Fast forward, 10 months into using Kangen water/machine in our home.

  1. My hyper-acidity attacked only once in those months, and the best thing was while 3 months into Kangen, I began experimenting. I started eating unripe mangoes, chilis and spicy foods again.  Little by little and to my surprise there was no hyper-acidity attacks anymore, I am so happy I can eat again my favorite foods.  And even at those times that I missed food; I did not experience any attacks.  I now can even do intermittent fasting and fast for 16-18 hours a day, without any hyper-acidity attacks.
  1. Regarding my mouth sores, no more permanently residing mouth sores or canker sores in my mouth. Yes, another thing to be so happy about.  Yes, there were about 2 times that I got mouth sores again while on Kangen, those times when I accidentally bit myself while eating, but the best thing here is, our Kangen machine also produces the best wound healing water I have ever seen, the Strong acidic Water, which can heal my mouth sores in 1-3 days, and my machine produce that water unlimited and free.


I told you I don’t have so many health problems, but with almost a year in Kangen water, I realized that I also have other health issues that got resolved, these were:


  1. Dry skin – previously, I need to remind myself to put lotion because my skin is really dry, now, it’s not dry anymore even without putting lotion.
  1. Dry hair – this is my signature hair style ever since. But right now, few people are actually telling me, I have a shiny, healthy and beautiful hair.  (Yes, it’s a shocked I can’t get over with sometimes).
  1. Pimples – since teenage years until 20 years after, I still had pimples, besides mouth sores they were also permanently residing in my face, but now, I don’t really have pimples anymore. Occasionally, yes, but my skin gets smoother that my husband and people around me really notice.
  1. Hair loss – my husband would often ask me before, if I’m going bald soon? Because he is sweeping so much hair from the floor.  But he was also the one who told me after a few months that we are on Kangen that, he is sweeping less and less hair from our floor.



  1. Constipation – sometimes I get constipated, but right now, I eliminate wastes 2-3 times a day. I love the feeling of my body right now; I like the lightness I feel.
  1. Not perspiring – previously, even if I ran for 5 Km in a day I didn’t sweat so much. And I thought before, it’s a good thing.  But I realized that - it’s not, because I am not eliminating wastes in my body effectively if I am not sweating.  But today, even a 1 Km run, I would be sweating profusely already.


There you go.  Those are just my own experiences with the water.  I haven’t included the experiences of my entire family and neighbors.  That would be another time.

The tagline of the company is:  Change your water, change your life.  As I reflect on this, I realized how true it is to my life and my entire family.  I also realize that, almost all of my health issues in life were solved just by drinking the right kind of water my body needs.

I guess I was just thirsty back then.  Thirsty for the right kind of water.  Now, I am giving my body a favor, the hydration it really needs.  Now, I only drink Kangen water for me and my entire family.

I invite you to know more about this water.  I invite you to change your water and see how it will change your life, the same it did with mine.  Contact me here.


Change your Water
Change Your Life

Pinky De Leon - Intal, MD

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