Mom and Dads, How Do You Disinfect Your Kid’s Toys? Do You Think Its Enough?

Eight years ago, I became a mom to my firstborn; from then on, how I see things became different and much broader.


I started having filters and questions in my mind before I give anything to my child, like:

  • How can this affect my CHILD in any way?


I realized then that those good things for my kids are those things that don't go against nature. On the contrary, they are usually natural, green, and environment friendly too.

So, I became a GREEN PARENT; I love all natural things.

I started with cloth diapers, cloth wipes, baby-led weaning, baby sign languages, natural foods, Montessori education, and even disinfecting their toys.

Being a doctor and a medical technologist, I know that "bacteria, viruses, and fungi" are everywhere. There is no escape. So, I became concerned about “how I clean my kids’ toys.”


Based on what I studied: I got two choices:

  1. CHEMICAL BASED CLEANING SOLUTIONS (Lysol, bleach, alcohol) – Yes, it can kill most germs, but it can also destroy my kids' toys and harm their health. Harmful in their skin and lungs as they inhale the aerosols.
  1. NATURAL CLEANERS – (like vinegar, safe toy cleaner spray) – that I know are ineffective in killing most germs. Because these things need to be gentle, they are not strong enough to kill harmful germs in the process.


After years of looking for the perfect cleaning solution for my kid’s toys, I came across this KANGEN MACHINE.

This machine does not only produce our HEALTHY DRINKING WATER; it also produces this STRONG ACIDIC WATER which is 3x more potent than bleach but as gentle as water (they say!?).

Well, of course, being a doctor and medical technologist, I had doubts at first, but doing my medical research, I found out that:


STRONG ACIDIC WATER (Also known as Acidic Electrolyzed water or Electrolyzed Oxidizing water):

  • Numerous medical researches back up that this water can kill 100 organisms: bacteria, fungi, viruses (including COVID viruses), in 30 seconds or less.
  • Even those hard to kill bacteria, those with spores found in food poisoning cases, can be killed in 2 minutes or less;
  • Effective not only as a disinfectant but in wound healing too.
  • This water is not harsh to the skin and lungs. I even give this to my 4-year-old child to use as a mouthwash when she has mouth sores.  I can observe faster healing and recovery.


I am so grateful I found this water.  I now have a more effective, safer, and gentler alternative to clean my kids' toys, even our floor, shoes, kitchen tools, and other things in our house.


More importantly, during this pandemic, I can have an unlimited supply, right at my home of this gentle-on-people-disinfectant. So I don't worry about hoarders or limited supply.


I hope you can try this out too.  So you get to experience the effectiveness and gentleness of this cleaning solution to your kids' toys and beyond.


Contact me here to know more about this product, or go to the person who shared this article.


Change your Water
Change Your Life

Pinky De Leon - Intal, MD


  • Efficacy of electrolyzed water and an acidic formulation compared with regularly used chemical sanitizers for tableware sanitization during mechanical and manual ware-washing protocols

  • Bactericidal effects of Acidic Electrolyzed water on Dental unit waterline

  • Bactericidal effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on bacterial strains involved in hospital infections



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